PATIENT CARE INSTRUCTION SHEET For "wisdom teeth" & other oral surgery
GET PLENTY OF REST for the first 48 to 72 hours after your surgery. Stay out of the sun and avoid strenuous activity. ELEVATE YOUR HEAD and APPLY ICE TO THE AFFECTED AREA (S) as directed (on for 15 minutes, off for 15 minutes etc), repeat this procedure until bedtime. Do not use ice after 36 to 48 hours. Avoid foods containing seeds or hulls (especially popcorn) for 3 months after surgery. Problems with infection which can occur two to three months after surgery are most commonly the result of trapped food particles in a healing surgical site. If you develop pain or swelling (particularly in the lower jaw) within three months of your surgery you should call our office immediately. Usually a short course of antibiotics and a follow-up examination by the Doctor will be all that is required. Delay in contacting our office can lead to more pain/swelling and the need for possible additional surgery.
If you had a general anesthetic, IV sedation or
Nitrous Oxide / Halcion, remember that YOU
SHOULD NOT DRIVE A CAR or perform any tasks which require concentration or judgment for 24
hours after surgery.
DRINK LOTS OF LIQUIDS for the first 2 to 3 days after surgery. Avoid diet pop and alcoholic
beverages. Clear liquids are the best for the 1st
12 hours after surgery, and then proceed with more solid foods as tolerated. You should avoid hard or crunchy foods. Avoid any foods, which have
seeds or hulls (corn, popcorn, sesame seed buns, granola, peanuts, etc.) or other non-digestible
DO NOT SMOKE FOR 14 DAYS after having a
tooth removed. Smoking slows healing after oral
surgery. Smoking also increases your chance of
developing a dry socket (loss or damage to blood clot which forms in extraction socket and can cause significant discomfort for days while healing).
Spitting and drinking through a straw may also
contribute to dry socket or prolonged bleeding.
FOR 48 HOURS after surgery. This is due to the
long-acting local anesthetic used to numb your teeth/jaw for the surgery. If you have numbness longer than 72 hours please call our office.
BRUISING AND SWELLING will occur commonly after oral surgery. The swelling reaches maximum size around the 4th to 6th day after surgery. If you have swelling, which is increasing after the 6th or 7th day, please call our office.
You may use a MOUTHRINSE after
surgery. If you have a prescription
for mouthrinse use it as directed on the
pharmacy label. If the Doctor has
determined that a prescription mouthrinse is not necessary, a salt-water mouthrinse after oral surgery is also acceptable.
(Dissolve one teaspoon of salt in a small
glass of warm water. Hold this solution over the surgical area until cool and then spit
out). You may use this rinse every 2 to 3 hours as needed for up to 1 O days after surgery.
BLEEDING is best controlled by pressure over the surgical site(s). This is
accomplished by rolling one to two pieces of gauze to about one-fourth it's original size, Placing the gauze over the extraction
socket, and biting to apply pressure. Firm pressure by biting should be maintained for 20 minutes at a time. You may have
blood tinged saliva for 24 hours after
tooth removal. If bleeding cannot be
adequately controlled with gauze or persists longer than 24 hours, please call the office.
You may feel tired or sore "all over" as a result of oral surgery and anesthesia. ADEQUATE FLUID INTAKE AND REST will help this feeling of fatigue.
Some patients experience MUSCLE SORENESS across the chest and/or arms and legs due to one of the medicines given during general anesthesia. This often feels like the pain associated with "working out" and resolves without treatment within
48 hours. If you have a heart condition or severe shortness of breath associated with chest pain, you should call the office.
JAW SORENESS AND STIFFNESS may persist for 4 to 6 weeks after surgery. Normal mouth opening is often not reached until 6 to 8 weeks after surgery.
ANY QUESTIONS after hours calling
the main office number (740-450-2500)
will tell you how to reach your doctor.
Our goal is to provide professional and efficient Oral and Maxillofacial surgery care for our patients. Open communication with our office is important to us and necessary for you. Please call if you have any additional concerns or questions.